Jack French~
Guitar, Ukulele, Bass, Banjo
Vocal Coach
Jack French is a classically trained musician from San Diego who specializes in voice and guitar in a wide variety of styles including pop, musical theatre, jazz, classical and everything in between!
As an only child, he turned to music as a way to occupy himself at a young age and has turned those hobbies into refined skills with a passion. He attended Point Loma Nazarene University where he began his musical training and performed extensively with theatres and orchestras throughout Southern California and Mexico.
After taking a brief hiatus from academia to focus on establishing himself in the music scene, he crossed the country to study music at the University of Maryland in College Park under the tutelage of Metropolitan Opera singer Kevin Short.
His teaching method focuses on technical foundation, attention to detail, and development of a students MQ or a Musical Quotient. His ultimate goal is for his students to become self-sufficient musicians who are able to navigate the musical world with the confidence of a professional.